Tag Archives: wannabe-putting

Emily Ratajkowski’s Boobie Grab

I know a lot of you guys out there think I have the best job in the world, considering I get to write nonsense about hotties in lingerie all day in between naps. And I used to think that too. But then I saw this picture of  Emily Ratajkowski ‘s personal funbag assistant. And trust me, I’d trade 10 years’ worth of naps for an hour working that job. Hell, even 30, 45 seconds would do. Continue reading

Ariel Winter Does Conan!

According to my sources, Ariel Winter got invited on Conan last night, which means she’s officially at least a B-list celeb now. And I take full credit, obviously. See, before I started doing regular posts on her, she was just another sitcom kid/wannabe putting up booty pictures on Instagram. Now? She’s talk show famous. Anyway, I’m looking forward to my thank you card. Preferably in the form of a bikini and/or lingerie selfie, please.               Continue reading