Tag Archives: warned-it-may

Serena Williams Teaches you How to Twerk of the Day

Self Magazine put out this video a week ago – which is a fetish video to some, I have white friends who fucking love big black women and pay them 10 dollars a song to dance, every time they can, only to wash their cheap perfume off them in a puddle outside the club, even when warned it may be homeless man piss, as to not piss off their wife who is sleeping back at home… It’s athlete / Monster Serena Williams – your TEAM USA Olympian and pro multi millionaire tennis god…who for many years I just assumed was a dude – doing the Lady Bug / Amanda Bynes in “She’s a Man”…swaperoo – assuming no one will text her hormones – because they could just argue the white washed sport was being racist like this was a country club acceptance process to eliminate the black and the jews in the 50s… She’s twerking, 3 million people watched this….I was one of those people and now – so are you The post Serena Williams Teaches you How to Twerk of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Serena Williams Teaches you How to Twerk of the Day