Tag Archives: wearing-as-long

Nina Agdal Is Back In A Bikini!

Good news, guys. I know we’ve gone a painful couple days without any new Nina Agdal pictures, let alone ones of her looking as hot as she does in this shoot for Banana Moon Swimwear. And yeah, I know none of you really care too much about what kind of bikinis Nina’s wearing as long as she’s posing for super-hot pictures like this, but the way I see it, the more free press I give these companies, the more free bikini pictures we can all get in return. See, it’s not just about enjoying one Nina Agdal bikini photoshoot, it’s about enjoying one a week. That’s right, I’m thinking long-term here. You’re welcome. » view all 18 photos

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Nina Agdal Is Back In A Bikini!