Tag Archives: weird-as-kate

Kate Upton for Fire Age Campaign of the Day

Game of War – Decisions from Jeguk Group on Vimeo . Apparently this videogame is one of the biggest mobile videogames to ever exist. It is called This is War – Fire Age or something equally nerdy, virginal, and expected to be a huge hit game because what the fuck else are socially awkward kids doing with their free time, not a whole fucking lot…so they cast Kate Upton to distract them, lure them, excited them and make them think she is on their game too, and that one day they may meet her along the RPG way….and the whole thing is fucking weird, but not as weird as Kate Upton’s acting, or the fact they don’t shoot much of her tits down, because everyone knows that below the tits, she’s a fucking train wreck….to look at…and apprently this whole campaign cost 40 million dollars…waste of money….

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Kate Upton for Fire Age Campaign of the Day