Tag Archives: weird-pattern

Abbey Clancy Yachtism of the Day

Abbey Clancy is some super famous in the UK…reality show star from 2006’s Britain’s Next Top Model…who became a lingerie model.. She’s a re-branded UK cokehead who went by the name ABIGAIL CLANCY but I guess that was too classy for her, or maybe she dragged it through the mud, or maybe it is too mature and not playful enough now that she’s old as fuck…I guess escorts change their names sometimes…it happens…marketing…. She has been with the same Soccer player for a long time, so she is a WAG, which means soccer wife, during the World Cup…relevant… She’s also a mom of 3, her most recent kid slipped out of her twat 6 months ago, which is pretty major…considering how good she looks… I like the weird pattern pressed into her upper thigh…erotica…. Hey girls sit on random things…the impression it leaves next to your mom pussy in a bathing suit is porn to me… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE We’ve got a couple more bikini pics from social media with her husband Peter Crouch..

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Abbey Clancy Yachtism of the Day