Tag Archives: whatever-shots

Jessica Gomes In Tasty Lingerie

Yesterday I told you that this Jessica Gomes chick is my new favorite supermodel, and I truly believed it, but after seeing these pictures I’m not that sure anymore. Here she is in some sort of supermodel display case wearing a pair of granny panties. I want to say I don’t find this hot, but the woman is gorgeous and she’s in her underwear so I don’t think I can do that. Even if her underwear are absolutely huge. Seriously, I have boxer shorts smaller than that.

Kelly Kelly Drops Some Amazing Cleavage

If you’re into wrestling chicks, you’re going to like this. Here are some Instagram or Twitter or whatever shots of Kelly Kelly showing off her sexy side. Alright, you don’t actually have to be into wrestling chicks to enjoy this, I don’t know why I said that, I’m pretty sure anything with this much cleavage will be thoroughly enjoyed by you douchebags.