Tag Archives: while-the-kim

Kris Humphries to Myla Sinanaj: Where Was Kanye?!?

While the Kim Kardashian/Kanye West relationship may have come out of nowhere to most of the tabloid-reading public, Kris Humphries was reportedly convinced something was up between these two as far back as last summer. How come? Because Kanye, despite being described as a “close family friend” by Kris Jenner last year, was NOT invited to Kris and Kim’s ratings-based August wedding. According to TMZ sources, Humphries openly wondered why this was the case, expressing suspicion to Myla Sinanaj during their time as a couple earlier this year. Kim Kardashian Talks Kris Humphries Marriage Sinanaj has suddenly become an important player in the ongoing divorce battle between Kris and Kim, with the latter’s attorney’s summoning her to a deposition in order to spill details on her relationship with Humphries . The latest report claims Kris told his former gal pal that he “felt played” by Kardashian and that Myla and Kris were actually together when the latter first heard Kanye admit to loving Kim via rap song . Humphries was allegedly “visibly upset” when he heard the track. That’s how we feel every time we read a story about these terrible people.

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Kris Humphries to Myla Sinanaj: Where Was Kanye?!?