Tag Archives: white-draping

Report: 50 Cent Signing Pauly D to G-G-G-Unit!

Rhode Island’s most famous DJ and rap’s biggest gangsta, together at last. Pauly D is close to joining forces with G-Unit, 50 Cent’s label, as 50 desperately wants to sign the Jersey Shore star and has offered a three-album deal. In a sign of the apocalypse – but not one you can really get upset about ’cause c’mon, who doesn’t love Pauly D – the two sides are nearing a contract . The Jersey Shore pimp/DJ met with Fiddy and his people in NYC last week, where they discussed the lucrative record deal and a Pauly D merchandise line. Specifically, Pauly D-brand headphones, obviously. Nothing’s signed yet,but according to sources, 50 wants to hammer out the deal ASAP before Pauly jets off to shoot Jersey Shore Season 4 in Italy . Talks have become so serious, 50 and Pauly have even started to kick around ideas for other artists he and Pauly can collaborate with. Any ideas?

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Report: 50 Cent Signing Pauly D to G-G-G-Unit!

Rihanna Sings "California King Bed" on American Idol

Rihanna changed up her look yet again last night on American Idol, going back to long red curly locks after a week or so of wearing her hair much, much shorter. The 23-year-old singer showed her latest look as she performed her new single, “California King Bed” live. She started the song softly, tantalizing fans. As her dancers pulled down white draping onto the stage floor and into the crowd, Rihanna was eventually revealed and really ramped up the performance. She even threw in some air guitar as the audience went wild, earning her a standing O. Watch her performance from the American Idol results show here: Rihanna – California King Bed (American Idol)

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Rihanna Sings "California King Bed" on American Idol