Tag Archives: winning-party

Win VIP tickets to see Justin Bieber in Paris 2011

**THE COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED BUT THERE IS A NEW BIEBER ONE COMING VERY SOON SO JOIN TO TAKE PART IN THAT ONE** Sign up here. www.koiniclub.com . (The sooner you join.. the more chance you have of winning) • The 1st place prize will be for flights, accommodation and VIP tickets for TWO friends plus an adult, so that you can take your best friend! There will be pre-show sound check tickets and pre-show party tickets, just like the last one. • 2nd and 3rd prizes will be for flights, accommodation and VIP tickets for TWO plus an adult. • 4th place will be flights, accommodation and standard tickets for TWO plus an adult. The tickets are for 29th March 2011 at Palais Omnisports in Bercy, Paris for you and a friend. That is not all. The winners will go on holiday to Paris for 3 days (plus two travel days), will get $400 per winning party credits at the Novotel, Bercy where you will be staying. The hotel is close to where the concert is being held and minutes away from the Gar de Lyon, where you will be able to catch an underground train to explore the City of Love. http://www.youtube.com/v/vkgXnU1PbYg?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Continued here: Win VIP tickets to see Justin Bieber in Paris 2011

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Win VIP tickets to see Justin Bieber in Paris 2011