Tag Archives: work-ever

Dejah Thoris ; Demure, n’ Nonsuch

Once upon a multiverse in allternity,…Burroughs imagined a babe; a red “hot” babe,…. a real princess, on a world called BARSOOM. . . . .and pencil, quill, and crayon have been at work ever since,….searching. 33 – Nonsuch LINK – – – http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryRoom.asp?Page=1&GSub=8925&Order=Date 614 – more such LINK – – – http://www.comicartfans.com/SearchResult.asp?PM=1&txtSearch=dejah+thoris&amp… Barsoom was Steampunk, before Steampunk,….uhm,…was. ” I STILL LIVE” ! added by: remanns