Hot on the heels of controversy over an all-female remake of Ghostbusters , we now have controversy over yet another all-female remake of a classic film. Indeed, Ocean's 8 really will be coming to a theater near you some time in the future. A remake of Ocean's 11 (which itself was a remake of a Frank Sinatra movie), the upcoming film will star a bunch of famous women taking on similar roles to the ones played in 2001 by George Clooney, Brad Pitt and company. And lots of people out there think this is really dumb. “Ocean’s 8 will be the remake of a remake. It epitomizes a lazy and cash-grab mentality in Hollywood,” wrote on person on Twitter, while another added: “Oh hey, Ocean’s 8. Another reboot with a female cast because, Hollywood can’t think of something creative or original for a change.” Fortunately, no one is taking issue with the cast members themselves… because it's nothing but a rundown of A-Listers. Take a look below at which stars are attached to Ocean's 8 and then sound off with your take on the project: 1. Sandra Bullock Bullock will take on the Clooney role, playing the ex-con sister of Clooney’s character, Danny Ocean. She’ll be the (perfect) mastermind. 2. Cate Blanchett This Oscar winner will play the Brad Pitt role, also known as Ocean’s sidekick. We really hope she’s also eating in every scene. 3. Anne Hathaway Her character has not yet been announced, but it has to be the Matt Damon role, right? The quiet outsider who no one thinks is capable of contributing much, but who ends up playing an integral part in the caper? 4. Rihanna It would be racist of us to assume she is playing the Bernie Mac role, so we won’t. We’ll just hope this goes better than her turn in Battleship. 5. Helena Bonham Carter Ah, the grizzled veteran. Relatively speaking, that is. It’s easy to envision Carter in the cranky, Carl Reiner-like role from the original. 6. Mindy Kaling We’re not sure on this one. A wise-cracker along the lines of Casey Affleck in Ocean’s 11 probably, right? We’re just thrilled she’s going to be in a major movie. View Slideshow
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Ocean’s 8 Cast Confirmed, Already Under Fire