The Zapateros are not the first political kids to be forced into the spotlight.
Here is the original post:
More Awkward Political Family Photos
The Zapateros are not the first political kids to be forced into the spotlight.
Here is the original post:
More Awkward Political Family Photos
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged all-aspire, creepy-first, featured-on-buzzfeed, out-which, political, Spain, the-first, will-help, your-heroes
We all aspire to be like our political heroes — this quiz will help you figure out which of your heroes you're most like! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged all-aspire, figure-out-which, heroes, Hollywood, out-which, political, political-heroes, quiz, will-help, your-heroes