Tag Archives: yourself-taken

Sara Jean Underwood’s Fifth Element Vagina Definition of the Day

It’s kinda hard to get excited or even care when some Playboy chick who has re-packaged herself as a nerd reporter / correspondent because it has more longevity or maybe garners more talent and respect – because it’s real easy to have naked pics of yourself taken, but much harder to dress in fetish gear and talk about random videogames/ nerd shit….even when her costume is hugging her vagina you’ve all seen before… I get it, she was young, jumped on the Playboy train to break into the scene and now she’s doing the Jenny McCarthy…but I prefer when playboy chicks turn to porn….Mainstream is so dull…even when dressed like this… To See Her Vagina / Naked / Playboy Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the article here:
Sara Jean Underwood’s Fifth Element Vagina Definition of the Day

Miranda Kerr Old Topless Pic of the DAy

I was just talking to someone about how some girls get naked and it advances their career, while other girls get naked and can’t get into school or land jobs and are forced to be lowlife strippers, prostitutes, pornstars or whores and I guess Miranda Kerr proves that if you’re going to go out and get naked pics of yourself taken, make sure they are in black and white, cuz that way you can pretend they are artistic and not just a bitch whoring out for attention…Here is that pic….

Excerpt from:
Miranda Kerr Old Topless Pic of the DAy