Tag Archives: youtube-while

Random Ridiculousness: “Say NO To Yayo, Molestation, And Men… Say Yes To Rollerskating” [Video]

“Weird Nevada Rollerskating Commercial Talks Rock Coke, Molestation, And Not Serving Men” [Video] The official commercial for the Roller Kingdom in Reno, NV. Starring Roller Kingdom Owner and Employees: Brad (Owner/Kidnapper), George (Skate Instructor/Gang Leader), and Julio (DJ/Drug Dealer). Youtube

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Random Ridiculousness: “Say NO To Yayo, Molestation, And Men… Say Yes To Rollerskating” [Video]

*Raw Footage* Is It OK For This Police Officer To Sock This 15-Year Old Kid Breaking Up A Fight In Clifton New Jersey? [Video]

Bossip came across some disturbing footage on youtube while doing our rounds. Raw Footage Of Clifton, NJ Police Officer Close Fist Hitting A 15-Year Old Minor While Breaking Up A Fight We don’t know how we feel about this video of a black police officer in New Jersey close fist socking a minor trying to break up a fight. If the minor swings on him first, does he have the right to bop the guy? Turn the page and see for yourself….

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*Raw Footage* Is It OK For This Police Officer To Sock This 15-Year Old Kid Breaking Up A Fight In Clifton New Jersey? [Video]