I don’t know if the world needs any more Taylor Swift butt shots…but I guess the world in general doesn’t really need any more butt shots of anyone – even in this butt obsessed society…because butt shots are just a disctration of everything that is important in the world… But I love butt shots, I like the fact that this butt has had so many penis in it, that it goes to the media to discuss how it is sexist to think any less of her for being a slut, because feminists hate slut shaming and it’s good to get those miserable fat chicks on your side…especially when said slut being shamed has found lesbianism… I don’t know..Taylor Swift is a bit of a sham, a lie, a marketing campaign that worked and that spoke to people making her hundreds of millions of dollars…but more importantly, she has long legs, and is skinny…and butt or not…I don’t hate it. I just hate most of her music…especially the catchy ones I catch myself singing when I shouldn’t know they even exist…I feel so ashamed…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Taylor Swift’s Butt Shot of the Day