As you’re probably aware, Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault by a number of women in recent weeks. Most of the alleged incidents took place several decades ago, meaning they’re beyond the statute of limitations for prosecution. Even so, TMZ is reporting that the Los Angeles Police Department is planning to investigate Judy Huth’s claim that Cosby assaulted her when she was just 15 years old. A spokesman for the department has reportedly stated that the department “has an obligation to investigate all crimes when a victim comes forward.” Sources say authorities are hoping that if they look into Huth’s claims and find them to be valid, the investigation might prompt other victims to come forward. However, there remains a good chance that even if police determine Cosby is guilty of the various sex crimes he’s been accused of, the TV icon might never see the inside of a courtroom. Attorney Gloria Allred has attempted to circumvent the statute of limitations issue by challenging Cosby to put up $100 million to prove his innocence. Allred has publicly asked Cosby to place the money in a trust for his victims, and allow a panel of retired judges to determine if he’s guilty or not. Cosby has yet to respond to the challenge. Bill Cosby Memes Gone Horribly Awry 1. Stare at the Sweater Thanks a lot, Internet users. Now we’ll never be able to watch The Cosby Show the same way ever again!
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Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Claims to Be Investigated by LAPD