Flight Forced To Land Due To Smelly Restroom Someone on a flight from London to Dubai blew up the airplane bathroom SO BADLY that the pilot had no choice but to turn around and take everyone home. Typically one would think the situation could be remedied with time and a spritz of air freshener…but apparently the stench permeated the plane to the point where continuing on for the rest of the trip simply wasn’t an option. Via VICE.com : A British Airways flight was forced to turn around and land over the weekend because somebody did a s–t so bad the plane was essentially rendered useless. Imagine living your life in the knowledge that you once turded so appallingly that a 747-400 had to turn around and land. Your liquid s–t bought a $533 million airplane juddering out of the sky. Imagine looking your loved ones in the face after that. Imagine hugging your mom. You couldn’t. Your a**hole is essentially a terrorist. Anyway, the BA flight from Heathrow to Dubai on Saturday had to turn around and flop back down again at Heathrow just 30 minutes into the seven-hour flight because somebody did a toilet crime. “The pilot made an announcement requesting senior cabin crew, and we knew something was a bit odd,” one passenger said. “About 10 minutes later he said, ‘You may have noticed there’s a quite pungent smell coming from one of the toilets.’ “He said it was liquid fecal excrement. Those are the words he used.” The flight was rescheduled for the next day, and British Airways made a statement saying, “We’re very sorry for the discomfort to our customers,” before providing everyone on the flight — including the rogue sh–ter, presumably, whoever they may be –with overnight hotel accommodation. The saddest (or most hilarious?) part of it all, is you know that there were at least a handful of passengers that knew EXACTLY who the culprit was. We just want to know why it is they couldn’t have handled this situation at the airport before takeoff??
Original post:
Flight Forced To Land After Passenger Drops Terrible Load In Airplane Bathroom