We know what everyone was thinking heading into the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards: No way could Miley Cyrus top her insane performance from 2013 ? As host, however, Miley joked; she danced; she dissed Justin Bieber; she gave props to Kim Kardashian ; and she left us with endless, memorable impressions. To wit… 1. She Took Us Behind the Scenes Via this pretty cool video-based selfie as host. 2. She Arrived in This Heck, it almost seems conversative based on our expectations. 3. She Bashed Bieber Not too hard, but Miley did say (sarcastically) that she likes Justin’s new “swoop” hairstyle. 4. Oops! Sorry! Miley apologizes for her “tit” being out upon flashing the audience. But why do we doubt she was really sorry? 5. Go Kimye! After endorsing a certain rapper for President in 2020, Miley quipped: “Kanye West and I have one thing in common. We both love Kim Kardashian. I mean, have you seen those nipples?” 6. Just “Dooo It!” Closing the show with a rendition of her new song, “Dooo It!,” Miley danced and sang a lot about marijuana. View Slideshow
See original here:
Miley Cyrus as VMA Host: 9 Totally Insane Moments