Cop Coonery: Memphis Police Use Excessive Force On Compliant Suspect Apparently, in Memphis excessive force isn’t technically excessive if you don’t suffer any injuries. Yesterday CNN , released a video story of a young man being hit with a night stick and repeatedly kicked despite his compliance with officers. After speaking with a witness who described the officers behavior as “standard procedure”, Memphis Police Department refused to comment despite viewing the video. The suspect first admitted that he felt “wrongly treated” but will no longer comment. Here’s what the Memphis Police Association President, Mike Williams, had to say: “I don’t think they took it to the point.. to me.. to whereas it was excessive because I don’t think anyone had to go to the hospital or anybody was injured. I think they deployed the asp right because you’re allowed to strike people in the fatty parts of the body.” Well people, accordingly to Mike Williams if you aren’t injured or dead, it isn’t considered excessive. Drop your thoughts in the comments!
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SMDH: A Compliant Criminal Still Gets Abused By Memphis Police [Video]