Source: NBC / Getty Can you believe that Carlton, er, Alfonso Ribeiro turns 47 years old today? It seems like just yesterday we were laughing out loud at him as Will Smith ‘s corny, bougie cousin on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air — well, for some it was yesterday. Alfonso has been in the business since he was a kid, but his role as Carlton Banks is what he’ll forever be remembered by. He played Carlton so well that that’s pretty much all the younger generation knows him as, thanks to his infamous “Carlton Dance.” The Williams Family dance crew loves Carlton Banks so much that they kicked off a whole dance challenge in honor of him, called the #ICarlton Challenge. They killed it! And pretty soon, the rest of the dance world caught on. Like Fresh The Clowns crew. Even moms in dance class took on the hip hop challenge. Not bad for ladies with babies in their arms. It hit Korea too. And it made the news. But according to Instagramer Anti , he’s the creator of the #ICarlton song and challenge and wants the world to put some respeck on ’em. He even made a music video for it. Anti may have created the song, but no word on who actually started the dance challenge. It’s still poppin all over the world now though. We all know that once Wiz The Kid gets a whole of it, issa wrap for the rest of the dance world. Hit the flip to check out more. via GIPHY
Fresh Prince Of Moves: The Best Videos From The #ICarlton Dance Challenge