When Josh Duggar molested five young girls , he avoided arrest and prosecution with the help of his parents. In the years since the scandal came to light, many Duggar fans have hoped that the long arm of the law would eventually catch up to Josh. According to a new report from Radar Online, Josh has once again been caught breaking the law . But it doesn’t look as though he’ll be imprisoned for his most recent infractions. The site claims that Wholesale Motorcars in Washington County, Arkansas — which Josh has managed since 2015 — has been operating without a permit for the entirety of his tenure. “We have one zoning designation in the county to allow single-family residential or agricultural uses,” a planning official in Washington County told Radar. “Anything else requires a conditional use permit to request a zoning change.” Officials claim Josh just started a business on non-commercial property without notifying the proper authorities. When a local fire marshal noticed Josh’s failure to obtain the proper licensing, he reported the father of five. As we’ve reported in the past, Josh is hated in his hometown , but his father, Jim Bob Duggar, still enjoys a tremendous amount of clout. As such, Josh was given a second chance to comply with the law. “The fire marshal wasn’t going to issue any more extensions,” the planning authority told Radar. “He was requiring that Josh make a good faith attempt, or make effort, toward receiving a review and permit approval, so that’s what he did.” And so, Josh was given time to apply for the mandatory permits and make the necessary repairs — of which there were many. Reports indicate that Josh didn’t display the building’s address anywhere on its exterior (a shady detail if ever there was one)/ Also, his property had no smoke detectors and was generally in a state of disrepair. Of course, the Duggars have violated local zoning laws before, most recently when Jim Bob attempted to open a “luxury RV park” without notifying local officials. Like Josh, Jim Bob was in no way held accountable for his violations. View Slideshow: Anna Duggar: Did She Get Pregnant to Save Josh’s Career?!
See the rest here:
Josh Duggar Is Breaking the Law Again: Will He FINALLY Go to Jail?!