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Source: Manny Carabel / Getty Via Madamenoire : Just a few weeks after losing her father, journalist Soledad O’Brien shared the sad news of her mother’s passing on social media. She composed a heartfelt Twitter thread about her mother, Estela, a dynamic woman who migrated to the United States from Cuba to provide a better opportunity for those she loved. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit “My mom died today. Joining my dad who passed away 40 days ago,” O’Brien wrote. “She was a pretty remarkable lady. An immigrant from Cuba, she lived with the Oblate Sisters of Providence in Baltimore during college,” she captioned under a photo of her mother in her youth. My mom died today. Joining my dad who passed away 40 days ago. She was a pretty remarkable lady. An immigrant from Cuba, she lived with the Oblate Sisters of Providence in Baltimore during college. Here (on the left) she is in Cuba in the 1930s. — Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) March 18, 2019 In the midst of her pain and loss, O’Brien went into great detail about her mother and all of the wonderful things she learned from and about her while she walked the earth. She learned two more languages fluently —English and French, and became an educator. She had a reputation for being super-strict, which made me very popular (not!) since she taught at my high school. — Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) March 18, 2019 O’Brien also shared the great sacrifices her parents made to raise six children and the advice she helmed from her as a working mother and wife. She was pretty awesome. But mostly I wish lots of young, working women had access to her wisdom. “Everyone gets the same 24 hours. Decide how you’ll spend yours”. “Take 24 hours to sit in bed and cry.. then stop complaining and make a list and plan your comeback” — Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) March 18, 2019 In February, Soledad shared with fans that her father Edward died after battling a lengthy illness. Her parents enjoyed 59 years of marriage and survived societal oppression against them, being that her mother was Black and her father was white. SEE ALSO: Soledad O’Brien Wants To Know Why Cable News Gives White Supremacists Airtime [VIDEO] “He was a generous and kind human being—and a quiet force fighting for civil rights,” O’Brien wrote about her father. “His marriage to my mom in ‘58 was illegal (she’s Black). They were married 59 years. Here he is walking me down the aisle in ‘95. (His twin brother said our wedding mass),” she wrote in a tweet . Supporters poured out their condolences to Soledad, who is still dealing with her father’s death. We also send support to the O’Brien family during this difficult time. [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”1956186″ overlay=”true”] ALSO TRENDING ON GETUPERICA.COM : Serena Williams Sings Karaoke After Pulling Out Of Tennis Match Due To Illness [Video] Police Seek To Charge Mother In Death Of Little Black Girl Found In Duffel Bag Children’s Pastor, Police Detective Commits Suicide After Child Porn Found On His Church Computer Follow @GetUpErica
Soledad O’Brien Mourns The Loss Of Her Mother Just 40 Days After Her Father’s Death