When you’re talking about the worst men in the Duggar family, Derick Dillard and Josh Duggar have to be very near the top of the list. Don’t get us wrong, they have some very stiff competition from some very awful men. But when it comes to Duggar dudes who are so atrocious they send a shiver up your spine, it’s Der and Josh in a pitched battle for that number one spot. Obviously, the brothers-in-law are terrible in very different ways. Josh’s most egregious sin is undoubtedly his molestation of five young girls , four of whom were his sisters. Derick’s list of offenses is a long one — possibly even longer than Josh’s — but his worst is probably bullying a transgender teen so severely that the execs at TLC — who are usually tolerant of all kinds of Duggar awfulness — felt the need to fire the father of two from Counting On . Interestingly, we know very little about the relationship between Derick and Josh. Josh was removed from the family’s reality TV franchise not long after Derick married Jill, and social media hasn’t provided many clues about their interactions or feelings toward one another. Until now, that is. On Tuesday, Der randomly shared his feelings on oldest siblings courtesy of a quote from late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: “In a big family, the first child is kind of like the first pancake – if it’s not perfect, that’s ok, there are a lot more coming along,” Derick tweeted. The backlash was swift and harsh, with many fans arguing that Derick’s perspective is a “terrible way to look at having children.” But some Twitter users were sympathetic, such as the one who responded: “But when Josh Duggar is his brother-in-law it does kinda make sense.” The preferred interpretation here is that Derick is throwing major shade at Josh. It’s not hard to see why that’s the most popular reading of this tweet, as the idea of Derick trashing Josh in a public forum is endlessly amusing. If that’s really what’s happening here, then Derick just slightly elevated himself in our estimation. Slightly. But what if it’s something else? What if Derick is passive-aggressively dissing his own kids? Worse, what if this is his way of pressuring Jill to have more kids — to continue perfecting the pancakes, so to speak? After all, Jill just hinted she’s done having kids , and closing up shop after producing just two offspring is anathema to the Duggar way of life. If Derick is really putting the screws to his wife in such a public way, well then — he’s even more terrible than we thought. But no — he’s still not as terrible as Josh. That jackass will likely retain the top spot forever. View Slideshow: Anna Duggar Blasts Josh Haters: We Will NEVER Get Divorced!
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Derick Dillard Throws Shade at Josh Duggar: The First-Born Is Always the Worst!