Farmageddon, the movie: Protect your right to food sovereignty!

The choice of healthy food and to grow food as you see fit is a human right. Access to food is a human right. I am a firm believer in food sovereignty and the right to farm sustainably and am appalled to see how it is slipping away in America, a land that claims to be about freedom. FOOD RAIDS? When we have bankers and government agencies robbing us blind daily in collusion with companies like Monsanto that toxify this planet with disease and death going scott free? As you celebrate your Thanksgiving this year in whatever way you do, not only be thankful for your food, but aware that the freedom to grow, process, distribute, and eat what you want is being sacrificed to industrial agriculture and factory farms in collusion with food chains looking to make big money from eroding the very principles that made this country what it once was. Farmageddon is hopefully going to be released next year. It is a 90 minute documentary on the dwindling food sovereignty we see in America and the extreme measures being implemented to attack farmers who are growing healthy food. All I can say about this is: What the hell happened to our country? added by: JanforGore

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