Ricky Gervais Slams Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber in Golden Globes Monologue

Compared to his monologue from 2011 , Ricky Gervais took it very easy on celebrities to open tonight’s Golden Globe Awards. Celebrities in attendance, that is. The comedian did get in a couple of digs at two THG mainstays, however, first comparing this ceremony to the Academy awards via this zinger: “The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton. A bit louder, bit trashier, bit drunker, and more easily bought… allegedly.” Gervais then turned his attention to Justin Bieber, referring to his paternity test scandal and expressing shock at the mere notion of Bieber as a father. Quipped the host: “The only way that he could have impregnated a girl is if he borrowed one of Martha Stewart’s turkey basters.” Eh, not bad. Fairly random, considering music is the one industry NOT recognized by the Golden Globes, but, hey, being referenced in a monologue means you’ve really made it. Wait, no one tell that to Kim.

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Ricky Gervais Slams Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber in Golden Globes Monologue

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