19 Stupidest Celebrity Tweets of 2016

We all know that kids say the darndest things. But celebrities aren't very far behind. Over the course of 2016, stars from all walks of famous life jumped on social media… to basically make fools of themselves. From Tweets from Kanye West to the next President of the United States, these are the stupidest things celebrities wrote within a 140 character limit this year… 1. Debbie Reynolds is Weak! D.L. Hughley somehow chose to slam Debbie Reynolds for dying in the wake of her daughter passing away. He also turned her death into an issue of race. 2. Oops! My Bad! Kanye got into a major beef with Wiz Khalifa because he thought the rapper was dissing Kim Kardashian when Wiz wrote the letter “KK.” He was actually referring to a type of marijuana. 3. Damn, Lena Come on, Lena Dunham. We can all agree that “Damn Daniel” was annoying enough even before you had to go and try to make it into something it’s not. 4. Of Course All Lives Matter But that’s the entire point behind the Black Lives Matter movement, Prince Jackson. Far too often, it seems as though black lives seem to matter LESS. 5. Thanks… Donald? It was difficult to choose just one Donald Trump Tweet from 2016. But we went with this one due to Trump 1. Taking credit for something Obama did; 2. Using the third person; 3. Not understanding the sarcasm behind the “Thanks, Obama!” joke. 6. Get It? Because it looks like a penis. (How old is Justin Bieber again?) View Slideshow

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19 Stupidest Celebrity Tweets of 2016

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