Aaron Hernandez’s accommodations in jail as he awaits trial for murder are the subject of great concern, the American Civil Liberties Union believes. In a recent blog post, the ACLU laments the damage being done to Hernandez as he remains in protective custody, also known as solitary confinement . The ACLU argues that in reality, this can do more damage than good, and that many countries “recognize solitary confinement as a form of torture.” “Regardless of what you think of Aaron Hernandez, it’s important to take a minute and remember he has not yet been convicted,” ACLU.org wrote. “In the eyes of the law, he is innocent until proven guilty. But, awaiting trial, he is locked alone in a small room with little or no human interaction for over 20 hours a day.” He could remain in that position for many months, or even a year. Accused of orchestrating an execution-style murder of Odin Lloyd, he was denied bail twice due to his perceived flight risk and strength of the prosecution’s evidence. He is reportedly being kept away from the general population for his safety, but the ACLU worries about him being kept in a cell the “size of a parking spot.” The ACLU cites “debilitating psychological effects” when a prisoner is extremely isolated, and argues that it may encourage repeat criminal behavior. The former New England Patriots tar, police believe, had the motive , means, and opportunity to kill Lloyd, with plenty of evidence to support that. Still, the 23-year-old will spend too much time in less-than-ideal conditions until he has his day in court, and the ACLU worries about the long-term effects. What do you think? Does the group have a point?
Aaron Hernandez: Treated Inhumanely in Jail?