Amber Portwood came face-to-face with her 14-month old son on Thursday, July 18. She also came face-to-face with her brand new reality. The troubled Teen Mom OG cast member was a rrested for felony domestic violence back on July 5 and, shortly thereafter, was barred from going near the victim of her alleged assault, boyfriend Andrew Glennon, or the couple's child, baby James. As such, she hadn't see her son for nearly two weeks after being taken into custody. This finally changed on the aforementioned date — but Portwood was unable to spend actual alone time with James. It's unclear when she'll even be able to do so again. Scroll down for the latest in her custody battle with Glennon and to learn how the first of her scheduled supervised visits went last week… 1. Her New Reality As we said up top, Portwood was charged with THREE felonies after she allegedly attacked Glennon in early July — while he was holding their young son in his arms. 2. Why? What Happened? According to various reports, Amber got really mad at Andrew because the family missed a July 4th fireworks show. She responded by throwing a shoe at him, striking Glennon in the neck. 3. But That Wasn’t All Far from it, in fact. 4. Oh, God, What Else? Glennon told police that he ran and locked himself – along with James – inside of a bathroom. This is when Amber allegedly grabbed a machete and used it to try and break through the door. 5. Andrew Claims That Amber Threatened Suicide He even says she downed a number of pills in front of him, only to eventually throw them back up. 6. As a Result of All This? A no-contact order was issued against Amber to protect her Andrew and their son after her domestic violence arrest. At a July 10 hearing, the judge did not say when it would be lifted. View Slideshow
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Amber Portwood Finally Sees Baby Son … Under Professional Supervision