Milk on a hot day? That’s a bad choice. The origin of San Diego? We all know it involves a female whale’s private parts. About to get into a fight with a rival news team? You want Brick Tamland and his trident on your side. Indeed, Ron Burgundy is a legend for a reason: he anchors what many consider to be the funniest movie ever made. And almost definitely the most quotable. Watch Anchorman online to relive the best one-liners, quips, exchanges and insults… then and click through some of our favorite Anchorman quotes now. Don’t act like you’re not impressed by these… 16 Gut-Busting Anchorman Quotes Open Slideshow 1. Really? Yes, I do. Um…I’m sorry, it’s the…it’s the pleats. Mm. It’s actually an optical… Veronica: Mr. Burgundy, you have a massive erection. Rob Burgundy: Really? Yes, I do. Um…I’m sorry, it’s the…it’s the pleats. Mm…. View As List
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Anchorman Quotes: Don’t Act Like You’re Not Impressed!