As we learned last week, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child. Fortunately, she's not expecting a child by Matt Baier, the notorious deadbeat whom she very nearly married earlier this year. Sadly, her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has problems of his own. And by that we mean the guy is basically a walking red flag. We've told you about Glennon's sketchy past before, but the situation basically gets uglier with every new revelation. See what we mean in the gallery below: 1. Reality Producer Turned Reality Star Andrew is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Amber while she and Matt Baier were appearing on the show to work on their ailing relationship. 2. An Abuser of Power? Portwood and Glennon began their relationship immediately after Baier stormed off the MBC set. The timing has led many to question if Andrew abused his position of power and seduced Amber while she was still with Matt. 3. Matt Baier on Andrew Glennon: He’s Sketchy! One of the people who doubts Andrew’s sincerity and authenticity is Matt Baier. Obviously, Baier is a bit biased … but he’s also an expert on shady characters. 4. A Famous Family Unlike Baier, Glennon is gainfully employed. But he was also born with a consideradle leg up. He’s both the son AND grandson of famed Hollywood cinematographers. 5. In Other Words, He’s Loaded Which is probably part of the appeal for Amber. Unfortunately, those who know Andrew best have cautioned that Portwood is getting in way over her head… 6. A History of Crossing the Line Glennon has a history of engaging in threatening behavior with the women in his life. And the police have gotten involved on more than one occasion. View Slideshow
The rest is here:
Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood’s Baby Daddy Has a Seriously Sketchy Past