Think Arie Luyendyk Jr. is having a series of bad days at the moment? He very clearly is. That’s what happens after you break your fiancee’s heart on national television and then sound like an insensitive jerk on TV when talking about it… … and then propose to ANOTHER woman in front of millions of people. But it turns out that Arie may have had worst days in his past; at least one in particular. Did you know the controversial Bachelor was once arrested?!? This isn’t brand new information. It’s been out there for years, ever since Arie was a contestant on The Bachelor. But it’s maybe worth revisiting now that Luyendyk is very much back in the news. In October of 2008, Luyendyk was arrested in for driving with a suspended license in Scottsdale, Arizona. According to court documents obtained by the Daily Mail, he was also ticketed for multiple traffic violations, including speeding, failure to obey a traffic signal, unsafe lane changing and for failing to provide proof of insurance. He was booked and posed for a mug shot and everything: Arie didn’t serve any jail time, but this mark is on his permanent record. The former racecar driver probably doesn’t want us bringing it up again in public. But c probably didn’t want him to bring ABC cameras along when he dumped her, so, yeah… whatever. It’s hard to have a lot of sympathy for the guy. Said Arie to Entertainment Tonight, regarding why he (temporarily) destroyed Becca’s soul in such a manner: “I just wanted there to be no questions on that breakup. “I know that it’s a very public relationship, and I think that doing that on camera would just let everyone know that that decision was solely mine, and it told the story of how I ended up here, with her.” Ah, right, he did it for Becca. Arie then had the gall, in this same interview, to complain that he , too, was a victim! “The way the breakup was shown, I think, in its unedited version, was a little unfair to me,” he added. “But what can you do? Wait… WHAT?!? The nerve of this guy! It was unfair to not edit an interview?!? To simply show exactly what was said on both sides?!? Sheesh. In the end, Arie says he’s happy to be engaged to Lauren Burnham and Becca will go find a better guy as The Bachelorette. So everyone basically wins here. But Arie still sucks. View Slideshow: The Bachelor Veterans Blast Arie, ABC for Cruel Finale Break-Up
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Arie Luyendyk: Look! We Found His Mug Shot!