Betty White turned 95-years-old on January 17, 2017. Many celebrities took to social media to address the milestone by wishing the star a very happy birthday. Scroll down for the reactions. 1. Reese Witherspoon Proof of why #BettyWhite is my all time fav! HBD @BettyMWhite !! 2. Craig Ferguson Happy Birthday to my beautiful pal @BettyMWhite. First actress I ever worked with in Hollywood. Spoiled me for the rest. I love you Betty. X. 3. Wendy Williams Happy birthday, Betty White! 4. Sarah Michelle Gellar @BettyMWhite wishing you the happiest 95 birthday. You inspire and motivate us all!! 5. Kyle Richards Happy birthday to one of my favorite role models @bettymwhite So fortunate to have worked with you. I wish you continued health, happiness and success #happybirthdaybettywhite. 6. William Shatner Congratulations! View Slideshow
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Betty White Turns 95: Celebrities Wish Her Happy Birthday
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