Bride Honors Late Son with Incredible Wedding Photo

Finally, an example of Photoshop being used for good. Back in May, Atlanta resident Anna Bozman Thompson lost her six-year old son, Lake, to leukemia. It was a heartbreaking development at the time, of course, and it was made all the more painful because Thompson was set to get married in October. When her wedding day rolled around, Anna wrote on Facebook that she could feel Lake’s “presence and I was actually happy,” but “it was almost unbearable to take family pictures without him.” She added: “I could feel my emotions taking over after the ceremony when it was time to take pictures. I became anxious and almost irritated but I knew these pictures had to be taken.” So Thompson put on a brave smile and posed with her husband and her two other kids. After the ceremony and reception, a friend of Anna’s worked with the wedding photographer to come up with something truly amazing, as posted above: An edited version of the main wedding picture that features the breathtaking addition of Lake off to the side. “THIS is my family. And we will be together again,” Anna wrote as a caption to the image, adding: “Thank you to all of you for the support and love that you have showed our family these past 6 months. Your words of encouragement and your prayers have helped keep me going. I thank you for that. “Please don’t ever stop saying Lake’s name. I love you sweet boy.” Take as long as you need to stare at this beautiful picture and to get a handle on your emotions. There’s no rush. It took us quite a few awhile, that’s for sure.

Original post:
Bride Honors Late Son with Incredible Wedding Photo

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