Tag Archives: breathtaking

Sprankle Gawd: This Deliciously Sassy Turkish Chef Has Twitter In A Tizzy

The Sprankle Gawd Is Shattering The Internet Famously charismatic master chef/sassy steak savant Nusret Gökçe has the internet ON FIRE with his breathtaking butchery (and sprankle sorcery) that make the panty melty Turkish restaurateur an undeniable culinary icon across the world and beyond. Hit the flip for a front row seat to the Sprankle Gawd hysteria.

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Sprankle Gawd: This Deliciously Sassy Turkish Chef Has Twitter In A Tizzy

Black Opulence: Meet The Beautifully Elegant Family Breaking The Internet

This Gorgeous Family Is Everything The internet is buzzing over Instagram star Mrs. Dunnie O. and her STUNNING family that take Black excellence (and sweet Black love ) to another breathtaking level that you have to see to believe. Hit the flip to meet the beautifully elegant family breaking the internet.

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Black Opulence: Meet The Beautifully Elegant Family Breaking The Internet

Black Opulence: Meet The Beautifully Elegant Family Breaking The Internet

This Gorgeous Family Is Everything The internet is buzzing over Instagram star Mrs. Dunnie O. and her STUNNING family that take Black excellence (and sweet Black love ) to another breathtaking level that you have to see to believe. Hit the flip to meet the beautifully elegant family breaking the internet.

Read the rest here:
Black Opulence: Meet The Beautifully Elegant Family Breaking The Internet

#BlackGirlMagic: Meet Teyonah Parris, The Stunning Star Of “Chi-Raq” [Photos]

Meet The Gorgeous Star Of “Chi-Raq” Striking “Chi-Raq” star Teyonah Parris is turning heads (and wowing critics) with an incredibly riveting performance destined to launch her into mainstream Hollyweird stardom . Hit the flip to meet the breathtaking star of “Chi-Raq.”

#BlackGirlMagic: Meet Teyonah Parris, The Stunning Star Of “Chi-Raq” [Photos]

Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

With the insane number of selfies she posts, it can’t be easy for Kylie Jenner to keep things fresh and interesting for her 40 million Instagram followers . Fortunately, Kylie has something most 18-year-olds don’t – frequent access to the world’s top stylists and photographers. Kylizzle posted some new pics from her recent Elle Canada photoshoot today, and as you can see, she’s trying something new. No, we’re not talking about Kylie’s exposed butt . We’ve seen that plenty of times before.  We’re talking about the nose ring, which is probably a clip-on, but still had to hurt. The heavy piece of nostril bling calls attention to just how huge Kylie’s lips are these days, as we imagine most people who rock nose rings don’t have to worry about getting lipstick on the thing.  Of course, most nose ring enthusiasts are probably still mourning the loss of CBGB, not posing for photoshoots in Hollywood.  Maybe Kylie is trying to take the look mainstream. If so, we hope any kids who want to follow her lead will do the right thing and have their noses professionally pierced in a clean environment. We don’t need a repeat of the carnage from the Kylie Jenner lip challenge . We’re still trying to get over that one.  View Slideshow: 60 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner

See the original post here:
Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

Bride Honors Late Son with Incredible Wedding Photo

Finally, an example of Photoshop being used for good. Back in May, Atlanta resident Anna Bozman Thompson lost her six-year old son, Lake, to leukemia. It was a heartbreaking development at the time, of course, and it was made all the more painful because Thompson was set to get married in October. When her wedding day rolled around, Anna wrote on Facebook that she could feel Lake’s “presence and I was actually happy,” but “it was almost unbearable to take family pictures without him.” She added: “I could feel my emotions taking over after the ceremony when it was time to take pictures. I became anxious and almost irritated but I knew these pictures had to be taken.” So Thompson put on a brave smile and posed with her husband and her two other kids. After the ceremony and reception, a friend of Anna’s worked with the wedding photographer to come up with something truly amazing, as posted above: An edited version of the main wedding picture that features the breathtaking addition of Lake off to the side. “THIS is my family. And we will be together again,” Anna wrote as a caption to the image, adding: “Thank you to all of you for the support and love that you have showed our family these past 6 months. Your words of encouragement and your prayers have helped keep me going. I thank you for that. “Please don’t ever stop saying Lake’s name. I love you sweet boy.” Take as long as you need to stare at this beautiful picture and to get a handle on your emotions. There’s no rush. It took us quite a few awhile, that’s for sure.

Original post:
Bride Honors Late Son with Incredible Wedding Photo

Mr. Skin Giveaway: Win Swerve on Blu-ray!

Do you like thrillers featuring hot, naked Australian girls? Who doesn’t! Well, you are all in luck because the Aussie crime drama Swerve arrived on DVD and Blu-ray March 18 , and we’re giving away five Blu-ray copies to lucky skin fans! While driving cross-country to a job interview, Colin ( David Lyons, TV’s Revolution, Eat Pray Love) witnesses a two-car crash that leaves one driver decapitated. The good-hearted Colin pulls a beautiful and mysterious young woman, Jina ( Emma Booth , Parker , The Boys Are Bac k), from the wreckage, along with a suitcase full of money. But soon, he becomes entangled with a crooked local cop ( Jason Clarke , Zero Dark Thirty, The Great Gatsby) – who happens to be the very jealous husband of Jina – as well a murderous thug ( Travis McMahon , Cactus) who is after the cash. The suspense and action build in this gripping thriller set in the breathtaking but unforgiving Australian outback. More after the jump!

Continued here:
Mr. Skin Giveaway: Win Swerve on Blu-ray!

6 Dos and Don’ts for Steve Carell’s Post-Office Career

Thursday night on The Office , Steve Carell’s Michael Scott proposed to his girlfriend Holly (Amy Ryan) and informed his co-workers that he is moving to Colorado. This makes us all sad — we love Michael Scott, and we love Steve Carell! And while Carell has what should be a long and illustrious movie career ahead of him, we’ve seen sure things go off the rails plenty of times before. As such, Movieline offers these instructive lessons from watching those small-screen stars who’ve gone big-screen before him.

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6 Dos and Don’ts for Steve Carell’s Post-Office Career

Scarface Limited Edition Blu-Ray Will Cost $999.99; Cocaine Not Included

If you’ve been wanting to prove your masculinity by dropping $999.99 on Scarface , you’re in luck: As of Sept. 6, Universal Studios Home Entertainment is releasing a limited edition package of the film for nearly $1,000 which includes everything except a real-life Cuban drug lord and a pile of cocaine big enough to correct your inferiority complex.

Continued here:
Scarface Limited Edition Blu-Ray Will Cost $999.99; Cocaine Not Included

Mildred Pierce Is the Film Event of the Year So Far — And It’s on HBO

To my previous rule of “Only Remake Bad Movies, Not Good Ones,” let me add the codicil, “But It’s OK to Remake Good Ones If the Original Strayed from the Source Material.” Because that’s what Todd Haynes does in his breathtaking five-part HBO adaptation of James M. Cain’s Mildred Pierce (premiering this Sunday, March 27). Rather than try to summon the magic that made the 1945 version so memorable (Joan Crawford won a well-deserved Oscar in the title role), Haynes goes back to the original Cain novel to tell a story that fans of the original movie know only in bits and pieces.

See more here:
Mildred Pierce Is the Film Event of the Year So Far — And It’s on HBO