Tag Archives: lip-challenge

Scott Disick: STILL Trying to Win Kourtney Kardashian Back From Rehab?!

Scott Disick is yet again seeking treatment for his alcohol addiction, and for the first time, he seems to be taking the process seriously. Disick has ditched rehab five times in the past, but his current stint is entering its fourth week, and sources say the Lord is genuinely serious about getting sober this time. And apparently, he’s also serious about making things right with Kourtney Kardashian. First there were reports of Disick calling Kourtney and begging her to take him back. Now, Radar Online is reporting that Scott recently wrote Kourtney a letter that has her seriously thinking about giving him another chance. “Kourtney cried her heart out when she read [the letter],” an insider told the website. “It had everything in it that she needed to hear and it really came from his heart. “He talked about how patient she’s been, how he’s hurt her and knows he doesn’t remember half of it, and how that also hurts, how the only time he’s ever been happy has been with her and the kids, how much he loves her and wants to marry her.” Unfortunately, it may be a case of too little, too late, and not only because Disick put Kourtney through nearly a decade of hell before sobering up and deciding he wants to put a ring on it. View Slideshow: 14 Photos of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick That Made Us Question Their Love Kourtney has been spotted on dates with Chris Reda , a longtime friend of Scott’s. Insiders say they’re not serious yet, but Kourtney has been doing her best to move on. Of course, she’s forgiven Scott for an awful lot in the past, so we wouldn’t rule out the possibility of another reconciliation. “It’s going to be very hard for her to resist taking him back when he comes out, especially with all the love-in going on with Khloe and Lamar right now,” says the source. “But Kourtney’s vowed it will only happen after he’s proven he’s really fixed his ways.” View Slideshow: 12 Times Scott Disick Was a Total Douche

Scott Disick: STILL Trying to Win Kourtney Kardashian Back From Rehab?!

Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

With the insane number of selfies she posts, it can’t be easy for Kylie Jenner to keep things fresh and interesting for her 40 million Instagram followers . Fortunately, Kylie has something most 18-year-olds don’t – frequent access to the world’s top stylists and photographers. Kylizzle posted some new pics from her recent Elle Canada photoshoot today, and as you can see, she’s trying something new. No, we’re not talking about Kylie’s exposed butt . We’ve seen that plenty of times before.  We’re talking about the nose ring, which is probably a clip-on, but still had to hurt. The heavy piece of nostril bling calls attention to just how huge Kylie’s lips are these days, as we imagine most people who rock nose rings don’t have to worry about getting lipstick on the thing.  Of course, most nose ring enthusiasts are probably still mourning the loss of CBGB, not posing for photoshoots in Hollywood.  Maybe Kylie is trying to take the look mainstream. If so, we hope any kids who want to follow her lead will do the right thing and have their noses professionally pierced in a clean environment. We don’t need a repeat of the carnage from the Kylie Jenner lip challenge . We’re still trying to get over that one.  View Slideshow: 60 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner

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Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

With the insane number of selfies she posts, it can’t be easy for Kylie Jenner to keep things fresh and interesting for her 40 million Instagram followers . Fortunately, Kylie has something most 18-year-olds don’t – frequent access to the world’s top stylists and photographers. Kylizzle posted some new pics from her recent Elle Canada photoshoot today, and as you can see, she’s trying something new. No, we’re not talking about Kylie’s exposed butt . We’ve seen that plenty of times before.  We’re talking about the nose ring, which is probably a clip-on, but still had to hurt. The heavy piece of nostril bling calls attention to just how huge Kylie’s lips are these days, as we imagine most people who rock nose rings don’t have to worry about getting lipstick on the thing.  Of course, most nose ring enthusiasts are probably still mourning the loss of CBGB, not posing for photoshoots in Hollywood.  Maybe Kylie is trying to take the look mainstream. If so, we hope any kids who want to follow her lead will do the right thing and have their noses professionally pierced in a clean environment. We don’t need a repeat of the carnage from the Kylie Jenner lip challenge . We’re still trying to get over that one.  View Slideshow: 60 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram