Bristol Palin is making the media rounds to promote her new book, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far . Yes, Bristol Palin seriously has a memoir. Today on The View, she was greeted by Barbara Walters and some surprisingly tough questions about Levi Johnston, her sex life and her morals. It was kind of awkward for Bristol and viewers alike. Bristol Palin on The View In response to Palin’s claim that Levi stole her virginity when he pitched a tent – in more ways than one!! – that night in Alaska, Walters asked: “It must have been okay, because you kept on having sex with him, yeah?” Cringe . Bristol Palin smiled and responded “We did it that one night and I just figured it’s okay to do it again because I’d already broken my moral code.” Using that logic, Casey Anthony might as well have another baby and kill her too, because a moral code is a one-shot deal. Sorry, moving on . Bristol also said she was on birth control at the time she got pregnant, but it wasn’t used effectively. By effectively, she probably means at all. Okay, now that images of a nude Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin fornicating have been burned into your brain, let’s talk about something else.
Bristol Palin Grilled By Barbara Walters on Levi Johnston Boning, "Moral Code"