Bristol Palin thinks she's let her kids down. The mother of three opened up to Dr. Drew Pinsky on the Teen Mom OG reunion special that aired this week, detailing her awkward co-parenting situation with the fathers of her children and lamenting some of her life choices. Palin was mostly critical of herself, however. What did she say on air? How did things get to this point? Scroll down to find out… 1. When Teen Mom OG Started Filming… … Bristol was in a relatively happy marriage to Dakota Meyer. They were (and still are, of course) parents to girls named Sailor and Atlee. 2. But Then? The wheels came flying off this relationship. Fast. And hard. 3. PTSD Sucks! Meyer was in the Marines. He lost most of his platoon to an attack in Afhganistan in 2009. We’re talking very serious stuff here. 4. Bristol Wasn’t Exactly Sympathetic, Though Palin told the camera on her very first Teen Mom that her husband’s PTSD has been “hard on our marriage.” Which we can understand, but still: harsh! 5. Meyer Opens Up: “We got in a big gunfight and everybody with me is dead,” Dakota said of the battle that took his friends. “When I first came home, train wreck is not even, that’s an understatement. Anxiety got me real bad.” He added that his children are the “reason I get up every day,” saying they “add to the quality of life, they’re everything.” 6. Damn, Dakota “My anxiety has been going nuts, it’s been crushing me, I’ve been having nightmares,” Meyer explained to his wife at another point. “I’ve tried to tell you over and over and asked you for help a thousand times. All you want to do is tell me all the things that are wrong with me and all the things I do wrong when I have anxiety.” View Slideshow
The rest is here:
Bristol Palin: I’ve Totally Failed as a Mother