As previously reported, Caleb Logan tragically died last week at the very young age of 13. According to the YouTube star's family, the sudden passing was of “natural causes,” with mother Katie initially issuing a statement confirming her son’s death on Friday, October 2. She then shared the final video ever filmed of Caleb, one taken just a day before he died. The footage features Caleb looking healthy, albeit tired, while eating breakfast with his sisters. In a touching moment, the happy child is asked what he would ask his future self. “Is Taco Bell still around?” he replies. Along with the video, Katie (whose family rose to viral fame in 2010 and whose collection of videos has amassed over one billion total views) wrote as a message to fans: It is with our deepest sorrow to report that the Instagram announcement was indeed true. In addition to our desire to give the Internet community the chance to begin the grieving process, we also wanted to post this video to show a healthy and happy Caleb doing what he loved. Thank you for all the love and support that everyone has shown our family. And we ask for continued love and support as we move through the grieving process.
Originally posted here:
Caleb Logan: Watch His Final YouTube Video