Days after Rehtaeh Parsons took her own life, Canadian police say they will reopen their investigation into the 2011 rape that eventually led to this 17-year old’s suicide. Parsons, a high school student from Halifax, Nova Scotia, was taken off life support Sunday after attempting to hang herself on Thursday. Her parents say their daughter never got over an alleged 2011 incident in which Rehtaeh was gang raped and a photo of the assault was posted online. But the culprits were never caught and now the Halifax Regional Police have released a statement saying they are reviewing the case “in light of new and credible information that has recently been brought forward.” They did not say much else, except to confirm this new information is NOT from an “online source.” Wrote Rehtaeh’s mother on Facebook this week: “Rehtaeh is gone today because of the four boys that thought that raping a 15-year-old girl was OK and to distribute a photo to ruin her spirit and reputation would be fun. All the bullying and messaging and harassment that never let up are also to blame. Lastly, the justice system failed her.” Parsons’ father, meanwhile, harped on the final point, saying his daughter died of disappointment and urged people to do “something.” Let’s hope now the police finally will.
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Canadian Police to Reopen Rehtaeh Parsons Rape Case