A new made-for-TV movie is set to examine the Casey Anthony case through the eyes of a man who thinks that the Florida mom got away with murder. We know, that could be about 150 million men. Specifically, Lifetime would adapt the book Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony by retired Florida prosecutor Jeff Ashton, according to reports . Casey Anthony has remained in hiding since her July acquittal . The film would tell the story of the three years Ashton and his team spent preparing and prosecuting the 25-year-old in a high-profile case that left America outraged. “I have seen my share of liars, but never one quite like this,” Ashton writes. Fox TV Studios has optioned the rights to the book, though Lifetime hasn’t given the green light to the film yet. Still, it’s hard to imagine a movie more up their alley. As for a possible book deal for Anthony herself, publishers have been lukewarm to the idea. Probably because of the whole giving-money-to-a-possible-killer thing.
Casey Anthony Movie in the Works at Lifetime