Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Did Ryan Lochte Get Evicted?

Ever since Kato won the HOH competition on Thursday night, he and his allies have been chatting about the idea of evicting Ryan if there was a replacement nominee.  The pre-edited segments of Mondays mostly live installment of Celebrity Big Brother saw that plan gathering steam, with Kato doubling down on Tom, Natalie, and Lolo that one of them needed to win the veto.  First, however, he had to contend with Tamar Braxton who was not impressed that he called out the fact that she wanted to see her son during her nomination speech.  “Every mother’s supposed to miss their children,” Tamar said to him as she stormed off.  “Whenever someone says ‘go home and be with your kid, it makes me feel like I’m nothing,” Tamar later said to the man who put her on the block.  Dina was also not impressed about being on the block, complaining that nobody seems to be telling the truth in the house.  Um, what?  Did Dina forget that this is a battle for $250,000? In any case, Kato reassured her that she would be safe and that she had to trust him.  When the new powerful alliance met up outside to discuss the backdoor Ryan plan, one of them forgot to close the door, and Ryan seemingly heard everything.  Ryan then confided in Joey that one of them was going on the block, and the pair ultimately took the news to Kato. Kato said that one of them will likely be going up.  Tom, Natalie, and Joey were picked to play in the live veto alongside the HOH and the two nominees.  It came down to Tamar and Tom who tied in the first round of the competition. Tom snagged the win and removed Dina from the block.  Ryan was named the replacement nominee and was eliminated by a vote of 6-1. As he walked out the door, Joey complained to Kato.  As for whether Ryan would hold a grudge against Lolo at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, he said he considered everyone in the house to be his friends.  It was a classy exit, but Ryan did already know the writing was on the wall for him after the way the veto went.  Julie then lifted the lid on the latest twist to rock the house. Viewers were given the opportunity to vote for one houseguest to be safe at one of the next two evictions.  What are your thoughts on all the latest action? Hit the comments below.  Big Brother continues Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS. View Slideshow: Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

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Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Did Ryan Lochte Get Evicted?

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