Charlie Sheen Apologizes to Kim Kardashian, Launches Much-Needed #ShutUpSheen Hashtag

Early this morning (like “still up from last night early), Charlie Sheen attacked Kim Kardashian on Twitter. Later, in the sober light of day, Sheen stuck to his guns, calling Kardashian a “pox”  on the entertainment industry during an interview with TMZ. Apparently, Chuckles finally sobered up around noon, LA time, because he seems to have realized that Kim didn’t actually do anything to him and he was freaking out over secondhand information and an incident that may have never happened. He tweeted a typically rambling, self-serving apology just moments ago: Charlie Sheen Tells Off Kim Kardashian “Dear Kim,” Sheen began in surprisingly non-crazy fashion. (Don’t worry, it gets weird.) “My extreme bad. Really embarrassed by my actions. I was really pissed about some other crap that had nothing to do with you.” “I heard a story that bothered me. Wrote some trash you didn’t deserve. Ever. I’m an idiot as often as I’m a genius. That day, clearly I was the former…#ShutUpSheen” Hmm…we’re sure Kim would argue that Sheen is actually an idiot much more often than he’s a genius, especially since he said some things that can’t be taken back. Like, c’mon, dude – you can’t just tell a girl that her ass is a “gross bag of funk” and make it all better with a “my bad.” We’re not even sure what that means, but we hope Kanye is working on a diss track with Ringo Starr at this very moment. 19 Worst Kim Kardashian Photos! 1. Kim Kardashian Krying Kim gets her ugly cry on. It’s definitely not her best look.

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Charlie Sheen Apologizes to Kim Kardashian, Launches Much-Needed #ShutUpSheen Hashtag

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