Chris Christie has become the first Republican to call out the NRA for its tactics against Barack Obama and those fighting for stricter gun control laws . Earlier this week, an NRA ad hit the Internet that referred to Obama as an “elitist hypocrite” because his children attend a tightly-secured school. Chris Christie Slams NRA “To talk about the president’s children, or any public officer’s children, who have – not by their own choice, but by requirement – to have protection, and to use that somehow to try to make a political point is reprehensible,” Christie said. “The president doesn’t have a choice, and his children don’t have a choice, of whether they’re going to be protected or not. It’s awful to bring public figures’ children into the political debate. They don’t deserve to be there.” Christie, who is weighing a run for President in 2016, says NRA measures such as this serve as a waste and a distraction. “They’ve got real issues to debate on this topic. Get to the real issues. Don’t be dragging people’s children into this, it’s wrong, and I think it demeans them and it makes them less of a valid, trusted source of information on the real issues.” What do you think of the NRA ad in question? It’s spot on! It’s disgusting! View Poll »
Chris Christie Slams NRA, Ad Against Obama