The original Coca-Cola recipe, dated 1943, has allegedly been found … by a Georgia man who’s auctioning it off and asking for eight figures in return. Cliff Kluge claims he got the original Coke formula from a box of papers he purchased at an estate sale. It’s on eBay for $5 million (Buy It Now for $15M)! The authenticity of the formula has not been confirmed: “You don’t stumble on things like this very often,” he said. “It’s a letter, and a formula, and the processes to make it. I think it’s a little deeper than having fun” “I think it’s the original recipe for Coca-Cola.” Coca-Cola begs to differ. The beverage giant denies that any recipes are the same as the one that was developed in the 19th century and is kept safe in a locked bank vault to this day. “Through the years, many have tried to crack the secret formula, but no one has been able to reproduce the ‘real thing,'” Coke says in a statement. “The real formula is in a vault at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.” Experts seem to think that while this may well be a recipe for a cola drink, it isn’t the Coke secret formula. So far, Kluge hasn’t received any offers. Even if it doesn’t sell, he says he’s glad he found the thing. “It’s just excitement,” he says. “It’s an Easter egg hunt, looking for eggs out there. And when you come up with something like this, it’s Christmas.”
Read the original:
Coca-Cola Formula: Found at Estate Sale, Yours For $15 Million?