Courtney Love is on Team Miley. With the 20-year old artist under heavy flak for an arguably racist VMA routine – followed by a raunchy, naked ” Wrecking Ball ” video – the former Hole singer told The New York Post last night that critics have been too hard on Cyrus. “That hillbilly Miley Cyrus is sort of punk in a weird sex way,” Love told the crowd at the Dream Downtown during a set to celebrate Scott Lipps’ book “PopLipps,” adding of Miley’s infamous Video Music Awards performance: “It was openly sexual… like dark and hillbilly and [bleeped] up.” Sure, we guess. Love, however, had far less kind things to say about Katy Perry and Robin Thicke. ” Katy Perry bores the [bleep] out of me,” she told the newspaper. “She’s a nice girl, she just really bores me.” As for Thicke, Miley’s “Blurred Lines” duet partner? Love isn’t a fan. “Can someone inform me who Alan Thicke’s son is?” she asked. “Like what? Wasn’t [he on] Charles in Charge ? That’s like Jared Leto trying to convince me he’s a rock star.”
See the original post here:
Courtney Love Defends Miley Cyrus, Blasts Katy Perry as a "Bore"