Tag Archives: twice-the-size

Brad Pitt Drops Insane Amount of Cash Just to Hang Out With Emilia Clarke

At one point or another, we’ve all daydreamed about what we would do if we had a virtually unlimited supply of time and money. Perhaps you’d like to sail around the world on a yacht that’s twice the size of your first apartment, or eat manatee burgers on Richard Branson’s private island. There are many ways to blow staggering amounts of cash in frivolous and obnoxious ways, and as far as we can tell, that’s the best reason to amass staggering amounts of cash. Of course, saying you want to pull a Magellan or feast on some ground endangered species is that tres noveau riche sh-t that’ll get you tossed out of the Secret Rich Guys’ Club before you can say “DJ Jazzy Jeff.” The folks who have been annoyingly well-heeled for most of their lives have moved beyond such pedestrian fantasies and are now only excited by displays of wealth that work-a-day schmucks like you and I would never even dream of. Take for example, the latest expenditure by Mr. Brad Pitt, who began life by winning the genetic lottery, and then rode that wave all the way to unimaginable financial success. At 54, Brad’s been rich and famous for nearly three decades, which means those nightly Illuminati orgies are just a tedious chore to him at this point. This is a guy who’s done it all, which means he needs something truly wondrous to get his motor running. You can only drive so many luxury cars and observe so many alien autopsies before you begin to crave the purest and most universal pleasure known to man. We’re talking, of course, about enjoying the company of the Mother of Dragons herself, Emilia Clarke. Proving once again that he’s living the very best of lives, Pitt recently bid $120,000 for a chance to spend an evening watching Game of Thrones with Emilia. Obviously, Clarke is gorgeous , but it seems Pitt ponied up the dough simply out of sheer GoT fanboy geekiness. Clarke auctioned off her time as part of a benefit for Haiti organized by Sean Penn. Sadly, like the Red Wedding, this tale has a tragic ending. It seems Brad’s colossal bid was insufficient, and someone who we’re just gonna assume was George R.R. Martin in disguise dropped an astonishing $160,000 for an hour of Emilia’s time. That may seem ludicrous, but the way our cable bills have been looking lately, we’ll all be dropping six figures to watch HBO before the year is out, amirite?! Yes, that was an incredibly lame joke, but if we told it you while we were clinking glasses of $800 champagne aboard our private space shuttle, you’d be in hysterics right now. Maybe money can’t always buy you a night with the Khaleesi, but it can always buy you fake friends. View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt

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Brad Pitt Drops Insane Amount of Cash Just to Hang Out With Emilia Clarke

Fat Rihanna in a See Through Shirt of the Day

I forgot Rihanna existed, she hasn’t been making much noise in a while and there are so many distractions in the world that she ultimately, despite her ego, her fans, her music, her existence…ultimately doesn’t matter…so she sings shitty songs mainstream suburbanites like…awesome…who fucking cares..right… Well, she’s come back because it’s money making time, straight from the slums of Miami like she was still in Barbados shanty she came from and she’s bigger and badder than ever…at least bigger, upwards to twice the size she used to be which doesn’t make her twice as good…but makes her typical of her genetics and most Bajan woman I’ve seen on my countless trips to the island… She’s also showing her nipples, which is the real highlight in this…uneventful…life we live…I mean us not her, her life is pretty solid…her gut isn’t though. The post Fat Rihanna in a See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Fat Rihanna in a See Through Shirt of the Day

The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day

I knew that Vanessa HUdgens had a younger sister who is more of a party slut, who goes to rave, and not so much an actor who does anything more than being Vanessa Hudgen’s sister…probably a better place to be than being the actual famous person because less people give a fuck about you…but you can still get the perks with one phone call… I knew she had bigger tits, that she shows off on the regular but not as effectively as her sister who releases nude pics, untrimmed, often…something I love…and would like her sister to participate in…because it makes girls more interesting… I didn’t know she was a fucking tank twice the size of her older sister…a monster even…terrifying…yet erotic now that I know..and I’m probably not better for it…but who cares, I did a post on it anyway…that’s the very useless power I possess… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day

What The Hell? Mother Finds Object That Looks Like A Dead Chicken In Her Daughter’s Campbell Soup

Gross… Woman Finds Object That Looks Like A Dead Chicken In Daughter’s Soup When they say Campbell’s chicken soup… they really mean it. According to The Denver Channel: A mother says she found an unappetizing object floating in a container of soup that clearly did not belong in her daughter’s meal. “It’s like a train wreck — you can’t stop looking at,” Nicole Montgomery said. “I keep looking at it and thinking, ‘How does this happen?’ I have no idea.” Montgomery says she poured the single-serving can of Campbell’s Chicken and Stars soup into a bowl to heat it up for her daughter Molly. She noticed the strange lump when she took the bowl out of the microwave. “I opened it up, and there was this spec in there — I was like, ‘What is that?’ I looked a little bit closer and I was like, ‘Oh, that looks like a dead chicken.’” The object is shaped like a lima bean, nearly twice the size of the star-shaped noodles that give the soup its name. Several dark and narrow appendages reach upward from the core of the bean-shaped lump. “I just can’t stop thinking about it,” Montgomery said. “It makes me sick to my stomach to think about what was in that soup. I know things get in the manufacturing process all the time, but this is a big company that should know a little bit better.” Campbell’s Soup Company issued this statement: “Campbell Soup Company takes all claims of product contamination very seriously. Whenever we receive such a claim, it is fully investigated by our Quality Assurance team to determine its possible cause. We are in the process of evaluating the claim and have not yet received the exhibit from the consumer to conduct our investigation.” A spokeswoman said a FedEx box is en route to Montgomery’s house for the exhibit. We smell a lawsuit. ABC 7 News

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What The Hell? Mother Finds Object That Looks Like A Dead Chicken In Her Daughter’s Campbell Soup

Courtney Love Defends Miley Cyrus, Blasts Katy Perry as a "Bore"

Courtney Love is on Team Miley. With the 20-year old artist under heavy flak for an arguably racist VMA routine – followed by a raunchy, naked ” Wrecking Ball ” video – the former Hole singer told The New York Post last night that critics have been too hard on Cyrus. “That hillbilly Miley Cyrus is sort of punk in a weird sex way,” Love told the crowd at the Dream Downtown during a set to celebrate Scott Lipps’ book “PopLipps,” adding of Miley’s infamous Video Music Awards performance: “It was openly sexual…  like dark and hillbilly and [bleeped] up.” Sure, we guess. Love, however, had far less kind things to say about Katy Perry and Robin Thicke. ” Katy Perry bores the [bleep] out of me,” she told the newspaper. “She’s a nice girl, she just really bores me.” As for Thicke, Miley’s “Blurred Lines” duet partner? Love isn’t a fan. “Can someone inform me who Alan Thicke’s son is?” she asked. “Like what? Wasn’t [he on] Charles in Charge ? That’s like Jared Leto trying to convince me he’s a rock star.”

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Courtney Love Defends Miley Cyrus, Blasts Katy Perry as a "Bore"

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Klash: New Baby or Old Boobs?

A new baby or her old boobs? This is the question Kim Kardashian is now asking herself, as Kanye West is reportedly pushing the reality star to have a second child. “Kanye recently suggested that they start trying for another baby as he doesn’t want a big gap between their children’s ages,” an insider says of the rapper, who really wants North West to have a brother or sister. Kanye West: Pushing Kim for a Second Baby! But Kim is more concerned with getting back her Size 8 figure than she is in being knocked up again, this same insider says, leading to a clash between the famous couple. In fact, Kardashian is so focused on regaining her pre-baby body that she’s considering plastic surgery on her stomach, love handles and even her breasts. “Kim’s main concern is her boobs ,” the source alleges. “They went up to an F-cup during her pregnancy, which is twice the size they were before, and she thinks they look droopy. She’s already set up a few consultations and is looking into non-invasive lipo on her tummy and love handles.” West is reportedly telling Kardashian that she looks “beautiful and doesn’t need anything done,” compliments partly propelled by the fact that his mother actually passed away during a plastic surgery procedure. He’s afraid of the same fate befalling his girlfriend and baby mama. Kim and Kanye will have plenty of time to debate the topic of baby versus boobs on the latter’s fall tour, as insiders confirm Kardashian will accompany her man on a handful of dates. Do you think Kimye should have a second child?   Yes, they are such great parents! No, not yet No, not ever! View Poll »

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Klash: New Baby or Old Boobs?

Swirl Problems: Kimmy Cakes Tells Kanye She Wants Her Bangin’ Bawdy Back Not Another Baby

Kim you’ll never be 115 pounds again. Kim Kardashian Wants Her Body Back Not Another Baby Kim will be poppin’ out another baby soon. Kanye won’t allow her to get her bangin’ bawdy back…his pimp hand is too strong. According to Radar Online Kim Kardashian is basking in the glow of motherhood and working hard to shed her baby weight but a new report claims that she is pushing back against Kanye West, who already wants her to start trying to have another baby. Happy with her newborn daughter North West, Kim has a hot new blonde hairdo and is getting back to her pre-baby weight. “Kim’s really focused on getting back her size 8 figure,” Closer magazine reported. “But Kanye recently suggested they start trying for another baby as he doesn’t want a big gap between their children’s ages.” Jessica Simpson shocked her fans, and herself, when she got pregnant with her son just a few months after giving birth to her daughter Maxwell Drew Johnson, but Kim has no interest in following in her footsteops. “Kim, however, doesn’t even want to think about another hellish nine months right now and told Kanye she wants her body back – not another baby.” The reality show star has been considering getting plastic surgery to reshape her body, and idea that Kanye is solidly against. “Kim’s main concern is her boobs. They went up to an F-cup during her pregnancy, which is twice the size they were before, and she thinks they look droopy. She’s already set up a few consultation and is looking into noninvasive lipo on her tummy and love handles.” Kanye’s mother, Donda West, passed away after having plastic surgery and he doesn’t want his baby mama taking any drastic measures. “Kanye freaks out about plastic surgery, he told her she’s beautiful and doesn’t need anything done.” As long as she doesn’t lose that azz, she’ll be okay. Continue reading

Gut Full Of…Gotdamn!! A 15-Pound 7-Ounce Baby Recorded As The Second Biggest Naturally Born Child In British History!

Sheesh… Second Largest Baby In British History 15 Pounds 7 Ounces Via ChristianPost A baby has been born 15 pounds, 7 ounces – about twice the size of an average baby. The newborn was born in the United Kingdom, and is the second biggest newborn ever born naturally in the U.K. Baby George King was born just six weeks ago in a dramatic delivery, and since then have been getting rid of all the newborn baby clothes and diapers they had prepared for their son – as they don’t fit. Baby George was born completely naturally, which is extremely unusual for a baby of his size, as usually an emergency C-section would be performed due to the likely difficulties involved in a natural delivery of such a large baby. There was no indication that baby George would be this big – both of his parents were born at pretty regular sizes, and are not particularly big themselves. Ladies can you even imagine pushing a child 15 pounds through your holy walls?? Baby George’s size caused significant difficulties for his mother, Jade. Mid-way through the delivery – after baby George’s head had already popped out – he became stuck. His relatively giant size for a newborn meant he simply was struggling to get his shoulders out. Mom, Jade, has described that “that’s when things got scary,” as about 20 medical staff ended up in the room working on freeing the baby. That sparked a big emergency for doctors and midwives, and baby George was oxygen deprived for a full five minutes – with doctors saying that he had only a 10 percent chance of survival at that point. However, he was eventually delivered successfully and was transferred to another hospital for specialist care. He was only allowed home more than four weeks after his birth as he recovered from his ordeal. In the weeks since, he has put on only one more pound, and his parents Jade and Ryan have confirmed that he entirely skipped his newborn clothes and went straight into 4-6 months clothing. What the hell was this lady eating while she was pregnant?! Image via BBC

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Gut Full Of…Gotdamn!! A 15-Pound 7-Ounce Baby Recorded As The Second Biggest Naturally Born Child In British History!

Officials fear toxic ingredient in Botox could become terrorist bombs

In early 2006, a mysterious cosmetics trader named Rakhman began showing up at salons in St. Petersburg, Russia, hawking a popular anti-aging drug at suspiciously low prices.

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Officials fear toxic ingredient in Botox could become terrorist bombs

USGS claims Venezuela sits on Earth’s largest oil reserves

Venezuela may have just become the center of an energy-starved world. The Orinoco Belt, situated squarely underneath the South American nation, may hold some 513 billion barrels of crude oil, according to a new report by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

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USGS claims Venezuela sits on Earth’s largest oil reserves