Tag Archives: guess-the-good

Kim Kardashian Still Naked of the Day

Why does everyone look like Kim Kardashian? Why does everyone think this is attractive now? The fat pig with tons of plastic surgery…who wasn’t hot to being with… It’s insane that this creature, that is barely human creature…is a trendsetter… But I guess it’s just representative.. There’s nothing new and exciting…who else is there to idolize, there’s no one in the media or in movies that inspires or stimulates…which clearly opened up a window of opportunity for garbage like this to move in and steal eyeballs and ad dollars…because there are just no huge stars anymore, not in acting…leaving us with this.. People have always been into the mainstream, into what other people are into, trying to fit in or whatever, that’s really what it comes down to…people have always wanted to emulate what is popular…..and this is what’s popular…because it’s just there, easy to access and easy to digest.. I guess the good thing about her – is the shamelessness and the willingness to get naked inspires a whole lot of other girls to get naked…because if she was a classy, dressed, fat chick with no plastic surgery…there’d be no leader, no mom, who gets paid for all these sluts to look up to…or aspire to… I can’t believe I said there’s a good thing about Kim Kardashian….because everything about her is so fucking evil…bootleg…garbage…no matter how celebrated it is… The post Kim Kardashian Still Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian Still Naked of the Day

Kendall Jenner’s Puffy Nipple of the Day

Kendall Jenner rocked the puffy nipples she got from her daddy Bruce Jenner…while she left her family’s most important sponsor – the “dermatologist”…because the family, not just BRUCE and his tits, have had so much plastic surgery….In fact, Bruce Jenner, the one who changed his gender, has less work done than any of the others…which is just absurd… I guess the good thing with Kendall is that she’s had strategic fillers, which is code for dud And she got it all for free, she just had to walk out of the facility for the paparazzi to get a pic of her next to the sign, and what better way to do that than divert your surgery, pretend it’s for acne, with some puffy nipples the blogs will write about.. It’s so fucking twisted, but these plastic cunts who cry feminism, are just frankenstein in the lab monsters fucking up body ideals of the youth with bodies you can only get with a lot of money, not that you should want their bodies, and bodies that aren’t celebrating their natural state… We live in a world that shames naturally skinny models for making 2 percent of girls stop eating and dying, while motivating the other 98 percent of girls to try to be fit….and replace them with science experiments…it’s fucked. Here are THE PROCEDURES THEY OFFER The post Kendall Jenner’s Puffy Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner’s Puffy Nipple of the Day

Chubby Ariel Winter in a Photoshoot of the Day

People are loving Ariel Winter right now, I don’t really understand why, but I assume with her having a solid PR team and an audience of perverts who love recently turned 18 year olds from their favorite sitcoms.. I don’t even know anyone who watches sitcoms…but I assume they exist, they must, why else would these shows be on TV….there are a lot of people in America, who own TVS, and it probably makes sense…but they are probably fucking creeps, the kind of creep who sexualized this 18 year old as she was growing up on Modern Family so much she cut off her tits…unless she cut off her tits to try to thin herself out, I know girls who have done that in the past…but the reality is….the only thing that worked for them was drug addiction and eating disorder…two things that could have benefitted off her TIT fat for survival…you know when all this falls apart and her child star ass fades into “no one gives a fuck about you”.. Here’s her 18 year old more like 48 year old ass in short shorts…. The post Chubby Ariel Winter in a Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chubby Ariel Winter in a Photoshoot of the Day

Devon WIndsor in a Bikini of the Day

Devon Windsor is the 21 year old with a 21 year old ass – who I assume is pretty big on instagram – because I am looking at her instagram while writing this and she’s at close to 500k, which is a lot of people for someone I’ve never heard of… Apparently, she’s looped into the Bieber group of Kendall and Kylie girls who the brands love using now…. But more importantly, she’ got a great ass, as she should she’s 21 years old and a fucking model…and I guess the good news is that she’s actually a model, she’s actually tall, and she’s not plus sized…which is why she works for Victoria’s Secret and has for 2 years….which is pretty impressive for a girl from the Midwest…who was destined to work the cornfields / live in the suburbs with a meth addiction… Here’s a round-up her social media pics… The post Devon WIndsor in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Devon WIndsor in a Bikini of the Day

Kaia Gerber for Teen Vogue of the Day

I figure if Cindy Crawford is willing to pimp her kid out to the media. Throwing her into modeling shoots, because modeling was so good for Cindy Crawford, it even landed her a billionaire heir to the Gerber empire husband, that with his sperm, she made this Kaia brat…straight from the mean streets of Malibu…and now in magazines…because these idiots can’t just be gracious or graceful in their fame and fortune, they just need to keep milking it and milking it, and all it takes is making a few calls, because she’s Cindy Crawford…. Even if this 14 year old model was a troll, missing fingers, with server developmental disabilities, wheel chair bound, albino….and covered in contagious lesions…she’d still be cast in Teen Vogue, they’d just use a lot of make-up, all thanks to being Cindy Crawford’s daughter… I’d assume that after seeing all the drugs, all the bad people at the parties she attended, Cindy Crawford would want her kid to do something more substantial…that involves not being a vapid twat…but instead…this is how she spends her high school weekends… I just can’t see how anything good will come from this…she’s still a fucking kid…even if kids these days have more sex partners than you by 12, and not even the ghetto ones from the projects…but rich ones too…thanks to internet porn and parents too into themselves to raise them properly… I guess the good news is that she’s cute, has potential, and in the next 4 years…will be walking the runway for that scam Victoria’s Secret, because that’s how their casting works… Everyone wants to be an instagram model, but legit with actual photoshoots..weird.. The post Kaia Gerber for Teen Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kaia Gerber for Teen Vogue of the Day

Rita Ora for Self Magazine of the Day

Rita Ora is in bikinis in Self Magazine, which would make a lot more sense if it was called “Pretending to Be Someone Else” Magazine…and I guess the good news is that she’s not in Shape…literally…but it’s the same caliber of shitty pictures…and they also made a video… Watch this on The Scene . And here are the pictures..where you can see the difference between photoshopped images and not photoshopped video screengrabs…where she’s all belly jelly bean shaped…and equally relevant but eager, fame whoring, and desperate to succeed…in both…. The post Rita Ora for Self Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora for Self Magazine of the Day

The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day

I knew that Vanessa HUdgens had a younger sister who is more of a party slut, who goes to rave, and not so much an actor who does anything more than being Vanessa Hudgen’s sister…probably a better place to be than being the actual famous person because less people give a fuck about you…but you can still get the perks with one phone call… I knew she had bigger tits, that she shows off on the regular but not as effectively as her sister who releases nude pics, untrimmed, often…something I love…and would like her sister to participate in…because it makes girls more interesting… I didn’t know she was a fucking tank twice the size of her older sister…a monster even…terrifying…yet erotic now that I know..and I’m probably not better for it…but who cares, I did a post on it anyway…that’s the very useless power I possess… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Hudgens Sisters are Interesting of the Day

Nicki Minaj Lands an ABC Family Comedy Based on her Life of the Day

Lock your kids up…Don’t let them watch TV…. I guess the good news is that no one watches TV anymore, because if they did they’d be exposed to ABC’s desperate attempt to win an audience since viewership is down thanks to the internet stirring shit up…as it should…. But the idea of your kids, since I don’t and will never have kids, they are annoying…watching Nicki Minaj and her story of being a middle class new yorker turning herself hood slut because it’s marketable…and comedic…is terrifying, but I guess nothing compared to the throatfucking porn they watch on your browser history…and/or ….any of this gutter slut’s music videos…. Garbage…popculture is garbage…we’re all doomed…the future…is over. It’d be a good time for Aliens to attack, not just girls who turned themselves into ALien looking motherfuckers with their over the top plastic surgery to market their clown asses… The post Nicki Minaj Lands an ABC Family Comedy Based on her Life of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicki Minaj Lands an ABC Family Comedy Based on her Life of the Day

Kate WInslet Recreates Titanic of the Day

I guess this will be a fetish to a few people… The first being Titanic fans as that movie touches all you faggots by the heart…and just sucks you into a fast paced one night stand…that you carry around in your miserable life wondering “what if he didn’t die”…but never letting that stop you from living your life, because let’s be real you met dude the day before he died for you, and he was poor….it would never have worked for a sugar baby… The second being for Kate Winslet fans, because despite being an old mom…she’s got tits….. The third being dudes who like girls who are tied, restrained and can’t run away from their needs and wants… All this to say, this is better than Steve Aoki making the Titanic Song and EDM / Dub Step / Pile of Shit Song…that the next generation of kids 18 – 30 go crazy for, because the world may be doomed – but at least we can still watch Kate Winslet restrained… The post Kate WInslet Recreates Titanic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate WInslet Recreates Titanic of the Day

Tom Cruise Does the Weeknd on Tonight Show of the Day

I hate Jimmy Fallon, and I assume that everyone with a brain, that leaves out probably 90 percent of America who watch Jimmy Fallon, becasue his schoolyard games speak to their retard brains, I mean these are the people who still watch cable…or Network Television..I guess they exist.. However, I don’t mind when Tom Cruise plays along with the bullshit when he’s trying to get attention to some billion dollar movie he’s going to make 100s of millions of dollars on….it’s both funny what these people will do for money, and charismatic, because Tom Cruise is just one of those actors who lights up a room in his Cult living, possibly cult leading, famous as fuck, ways…. I guess what I’m saying is that I like the caricature that Tom Cruise is…I mean is he human….in his amazing…or does he just not give a fuck…or is he just a calculated and intense celebrity… What I I can’t stand is Jimmy Fallon, giggling to himself in shock that his life has brought him here, lip synching with celebs, becuase it is so absurd, and his trolling on us works, or he’s really just enjoying himself in his school yard made for adults retardness you’d probably beat up if he suggested any of these things at your house when hanging…it’s like “Don’t invite Jimmy to the dinner party, that guy’s the worst and will make us play his spin on games, like Pin the Tail on the Donatella Verscae, instead of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, because his comedy is sophisticated like that”… Either way, this has been too much analysis on Jimmy and the fact that he’s just too fucking excitable….I mean his name is fucking Jimmy…and that takes away from Tom Cruise’s level of awesome. The post Tom Cruise Does the Weeknd on Tonight Show of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tom Cruise Does the Weeknd on Tonight Show of the Day