Jenelle Evans managed to maintain custody of her children throughout numerous arrests, violent episodes, and documented instances of substance abuse (including at least one while she was pregnant). But her marriage to David Eason has put her in a position where she's only permitted to see her kids during supervised visits for one hour a week. Granted, Jenelle certainly contributed to the environment that led CPS to remove her children for their own safety. But it was David's violent temper — and his decision to shoot and kill the family dog — that prompted the investigation. Yes, Eason's fits of rage are infamous — which is one reason it's so surprising his lawyers decided to put him on the stand during his custody hearing. Now, The Ashley's Reality Roundup has the latest on what went down during one crazy week in court. Take a look: 1. One Mad Dad David’s violent temper tantrums have been well documented over the years. In April, he shot and killed Jenelle’s 11-pound French bulldog during one such outburst. 2. Justice For Nugget David’s decision to murder little Nugget resulted in a CPS investigation that caused the Easons to lose custody of the three children who were living with them on the property they dubbed “The Land.” 3. The Long Decline David and Jenelle had already lost custody of two of their children, and now, the remaining three have been removed from their care as well. 4. The Wild Card David’s erratic behavior has already caused irreparable damage to his family, and remarkably, he keeps finding ways to make the situation worse. 5. It Never Ends David has clashed with at least two of his kids’ current caretakers in the parking lot outside the courthouse, and he arrived to the first day of testimony with a gun on his dashboard, seemingly in an effort to send a message to reporters. 6. A Baffling Move Now, David has been called to the stand by his own attorneys, and the process is already off to a messy start. View Slideshow
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David Eason Testifies at Custody Hearing: Did He Throw a Tantrum?