Dear Kate Lingerie Line Responds to Victoria’s Secret “Perfect Body” Campaign… in Perfect Fashion

A few weeks ago, Victoria’s Secret launched its new Body by Victoria bra campaign. It was meant by extreme furor around the Internet due to a tagline that teased “ The Perfect Body .” Did this wording refer to the body of the actual bra? Probably. But the poster featured glamorously thin models with strikingly similar figures, making it understandable why the company came under fire for insinuating these beauties possessed the ideal shape and form. Now, all-female underwear line Dear Kate has come out with the perfect response to the above advertisement. Dear Kate is also encouraging activists to sign a petition (it already has nearly 26,000 signatures) that demands Victoria’s Secret apologize for its Body ads, while asking folks to join the discussion using the Twitter hashtag #IAmPerfect. Both those movements sound great to us, but really. The second poster above says it all, doesn’t it? Very well played, Dear Kate. UPDATE: Victoria’s Secret has changed the tagline to “A Body for Every Body.”

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Dear Kate Lingerie Line Responds to Victoria’s Secret “Perfect Body” Campaign… in Perfect Fashion

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