Delmon Young, the starting left fielder for the Detroit Tigers, was arrested this morning outside a midtown Manhattan hotel after the former first round draft pick allegedly got into a fight with a panhandler wearing a yarmulke. Police told The New York Post that Young starting screaming at the homeless man upon being approached for change, shouting “”F–king Jews! F–king Jews!” The incident took place around 2:40 a.m. and Young proceeded to get into a physical altercation with men who confronted him about his tirade. He scratched one on the arm and pushed another to the pavement. Sources say hotel employees rushed to the scene, sent all parties to their rooms and called 911. They added that Young appeared “highly intoxicated” before he was arrested and taken to the Midtown North Precinct. Young, who has just one home run this season, is in town because the Tigers are scheduled to face the Yankees tonight. A couple years ago, during a game against the Pawtucket Red Sox, the problematic outfielder threw a bat at an umpire.
Delmon Young Arrested for Alleged Anti-Semitic Tirade